Stranahan Green House and Green Space Revitalization
Stranahan had a thriving Agriculture Program years ago. It had a huge greenhouse and students had the opportunity not only to learn about growing and maintaining all things plants, but worked with local growers while in school. Often, they were able to step right into well-paying jobs with local nurseries.
But funding dried up and the plants and greenhouse died from neglect.
The community of Riverside Park decided to adopt Stranahan as its primary project a few years ago. We worked tirelessly to get the school a much-needed new cafeteria. We attended and spoke at School Board meetings, met with oversight committees, and traveled to other South Florida schools to see their cafeterias. Finally, the School Board approved funding for a new cafeteria!
Now, we're partnering with River Oaks and launching our newest effort--to reinvigorate the green space on the Stranahan campus! So far, we've had two Saturday clean-ups of the greenhouse and outdoor space used by the Garden Club by community volunteers. However, to reach our goal, we need money: money for irrigation equipment ($1500), for the greenhouse renovation ($6500) and screen for the outdoor nursery area ($8000).
Stranahan has great students and staff--they just need community support. Please donate to our Gofundme Page!