Important Phone Numbers
Code Enforcement (954) 828-8000
Help Numbers for Students, Parents, Families, Police Officers and the Community
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Date Rape/Sexual Abuse | (800) 96ABUSE (22873) |
Domestic Violence | (954) 828-1133 |
Runaway | (954) 828-5547 |
Drugs | (954) 627-6563 |
Alcohol | (954) 831-1577 |
Gangs | (954) 828-5964 |
Teen Hot Line | (954) 467-6333 |
Stalking | (954) 764-HELP |
Threatening Phone Calls | (954) 764-HELP |
Careers in Law Enforcement | (954) 828-5611 |
Refusal To Go To School | (954) 828-5545 |
Parent Support Groups for Rebellious Teens | (954) 828-5545 |
Tough Love | (954) 791-8479 |
Crimes | (954) 764-HELP |
Broward Family Health Center | (954) 463-7313 |
Henderson Mental Health Center | (954) 791-4300 |
Parent Child Enrichment Center (counseling) | (954) 752-1331 |
Samaritan Center (counseling) | (954) 463-2273 |
A.D.D. In | (954) 753-3031 |
Children with A.D.D. Counseling Center (CHADD) | (954) 587-3700 |
Consumer Credit Counseling | (954) 765-0502 |
Healthy Mother/Healthy Babies | (954) 765-0550 |
Literacy/Tutoring Program | (954) 765-4271 |
Mother Against Drunk Driving (MADD) | (954) 566-4331 |
Parent Education Network | (954) 765-6722 |
Parent to Parent | (954) 523-0373 |
Parents Anonymous (Mental Health Assoc.) |
(954) 733-3994 |
Alcoholism Anonymous | (954) 462-0265 |
Al-Anon * Al-Ateen * Adult Focus | (954) 491-1915 |
Andrea Fulcher, Substance Abuse Counselor | (954) 786-7850 |
BARC | (954) 765-4200 |
Broward Alcohol & Rehab Center | (954) 765-4200 |
Cocaine Hotline | (800) COCAINE |
National Federation of Parents for Drug Free Youth |
(800) 554-KIDS |
STIM (Pregnant Mothers) | (954) 779-1966 |
Urban League | (954) 584-0777 |
Turning Point (Males 17 & Over) | (954) 781-1400 |
U.S. Dept. of Health & Human Servs. | (800) 662-HELP |
American Red Cross | (954) 763-9900 |
First Call for Help | (954) 467-6333 |
Catholic Community Services | (954) 522-2513 |
Crimes Compensation (for victims) | (954) 985-4482 |
First Baptist Church (Fort Laud.) | (954) 527-6820 |
Amanda's Place | (954) 786-7618 |
Child Care Connection | (954) 720-1000 |
Early Childhood Development | (954) 765-6784 |
Headstart (Main) | (954) 823-9622 |
Headstart (Fort Lauderdale) | (954) 764-6444 |
Children's Home Society | (954) 763-6573 |
His Caring Place | (954) 429-9224 |
Pregnancy Help Center | (954) 584-8164 |
Teen Parent Program | (954) 786-7757 |
Teen Parent School Social Worker | (954) 786-7667 |
Hope Pregnancy Center (Oakland Park) | (954) 568-2616 |
Hope Pregnancy Center (Davie) | (954) 581-6991 |
Covenant House | (954) 561-5559 |
Faith Farm | (954) 763-7787 |
Homeless Assistant Center 920 N.W. 7th Ave., Fort Lauderdale, Fl 33311 |
(954) 779-7990 |
Broward Coalition for the Homeless, Inc. | (954) 522-7069 |
524-BEDS Hotline | (954) 524-2337 or 1-877-524-2337 |
AIDS Clinical Trials | (800) 874-2572 |
AIDS Inc. (Awareness Information) | (954) 741-9060 |
American Civil Liberties Union | (954) 764-1694 |
Catholic Community Services | (954) 522-2513 |
Center One - Anyone in Distress | (954) 537-4111 |
Children's Diagnostic & Treatment Center | (954) 728-8080 |
Fight For Life | (954) 972-0393 |
Family Life Institute | (954) 484-3022 |
Florida AIDS Hotline | (800) FLA-AIDS |
Fla. Community Housing Assistance | (954) 735-0240 |
Gold Coast Home Health Services | (954) 785-2990 |
Henderson Mental Health Center | (954) 791-4300 |
Hospice Care of Broward | (954) 467-7423 |
Jewish Family Services | (954) 966-0956 |
Lambda South, Inc. | (954) 761-9072 |
Library of the Healing Arts | (954) 791-9399 |
National AIDS Information Line | (800) 342-AIDS |
Meals on Wheels | (954) 537-3189 |
Nova Univ. Civil Law Clinic | (800) 453-4326 |
Nova Univ. Community Mental Health | (954) 370-5696 |
PAWS - Pets Are Wonderful Support | (954) 537-9423 |
POCAC - People of Color AIDS Coalition | (954) 486-3030 |
Food / Clothing Bank | (954) 561-3663 |
Salvation Army | (954) 463-4572 |
PWA Coalition: Broward | (954) 565-9119 |
South Florida AIDS Network | (954) 467-4532 |
Sunshine Health Center | (954) 972-6450 |
Think Life | (954) 764-1502 |
Broward Addiction Recovery Center (BARC) | (954) 765-4200 |
Broward General Hospital Emergency | (954) 355-5700 |
Broward General Medical Center | (954) 355-4400 |
Food Stamps (FL HRS) | (954) 467-4373 |
HOPWA: Broward HIV/AIDS Support | (954) 765-5366 |
Insurance Commission | (954) 467-4339 |
NW Health Clinic (Broward Cty) | (954) 467-4532 |
Primary Health Care (Broward Cty) | (954) 581-4888 |
Sexually Transmitted Disease Clinic | (954) 797-6900 |
Social Security SSI/SSD (U.S.) | (954) 356-7335 |
Urgent Care Clinic | (954) 467-0880 |
Veterans Administration (U.S.) | (954) 771-2101 |
Big Brothers/Big Sisters | (954) 584-9990 |
Child Care Connection | (954) 720-1000 |
HRS Children, Youth & Families | (954) 321-2742 |
Kids in Distress | (954) 390-7654 |
Nova University Family Center | (954) 475-7450 |
Phone Friend | (954) 523-1222 |
YMCA of Broward County (after school prog.) | (954) 832-9622 |
Broward County Sexual Assault Treatment Center | (954) 761-7273 |
Broward County School Board Family Counseling | (954) 786-7682 |
Catholic Community Services | (954) 522-2513 |
Center for Group Counseling | (954) 763-1455 |
Elderly Services Program | (954) 357-6765 |
Family Service Agency | (954) 587-7880 |
Henderson Mental Health Center | (954) 921-2600 |
Jewish Family Services | (954) 749-1505 |
Mental Health Assoc. of Broward County | (954) 733-3994 |
Samaritan Center | (954) 463-2273 |
Alimony/Child Support | (954) 797-8337 |
Bankruptcy Court | (305) 536-5216 |
Citizens Service | (954) 357-7340 |
Court Mediation and Arbitration | (954) 765-4491 |
Family Mediatin and Conciliation | (954) 765-4012 |
Lawyer Referral Service | (954) 764-8310 |
Legal Aid Service of Broward Co. | (954) 765-8950 |
Small Claims Court | (954) 765-4575 |
Bridges - SW 11th Avenue | (954) 938-5437 |
City Clerk | (954) 828-5002 |
City Commission Staff Support | (954) 828-5005 |
City Manager's Office | (954) 828-5013 |
Citizens Crime Alert | (954) 763-7863 |
Code Compliance/Comm. Insp. | (954) 828-5207 |
Fines | (954) 828-3700 |
Office of the Mayor and City Commission | (954) 828-5003 |
Fire Station #2 | (954) 396-5330 |
Fire Station #3 | (954) 468-1560 |
Fire Station #8 | (954) 468-1563 |
Fire Station #13 | (954) 396-3614 |
Fire Station #29 | (954) 396-3613 |
Fire Station #35 | (954) 938-4957 |
Fire Station #46 | (954) 468-1562 |
Fire Station #47 | (954) 321-1200 |
Fire Station #49 | (954) 468-1561 |
Fire Station #53 | (954) 938-4956 |
Fire Station #54 | (954) 396-3612 |
Fire Station #88 | (954) 938-4955 |
EMS Bureau | (954) 766-6613 |
Building Permits/Inspections | (954) 828-5191 |
Community Inspections | (954) 828-5207 |
Public Services/Bulk Pick-Up Crew/Sanitation | (954) 828-8000 |
Public Services/Special Projects | (954) 828-5770 |
BellSouth Residential | (954) 780-2355 |
BellSouth Business | (954) 780-2800 |
Florida Power and Light (FPL) | (954) 797-5000 |
Fort Lauderdale Water Department | (954) 828-5150 |
Peoples Gas | (954) 763-8900 |
All Police, fire emergency needs | 911 |
Beach Patrol (Emergency only) | (954) 468-1595 |
Broward Sheriff's Office | (954) 765-4321 |
Crime Stoppers | (954) 493-8477 |
Emergency Preparedness | (954) 831-3900 |
Fort Lauderdale Fire Department (Non-emergency) | (954) 828-6800 |
AAA (Triple A) | (800) 222-4357 |
Florida Highway Patrol | (800) 226-3027 |
Florida Marine Patrol | (800) 342-5367 |
Nat'l Marine Fishery Service | (305) 862-2850 |
SeaWorld | (407) 351-3600 |
Park Rangers | (954) 468-1634 |
Atlantic Shores Hospital | (954) 771-2711 |
BHC Fort Lauderdale | (954) 463-4321 |
Broward General Medical Center | (954) 355-4400 |
Cleveland Clinic Florida | (954) 568-1000 |
Cleveland Clinic-North Beach | (954) 568-1000 |
Cleveland Clinic-Weston | (954) 349-1111 |
Columbia N.W. Medical Center | (954) 974-0400 |
Columbia Plantation General Hospital | (954) 587-5010 |
Columbia Pompano Beach Medical Center | (954) 782-2000 |
Columbia University Hospital and Medical Center | (954) 721-2200 |
Columbia Westside Regional Medical Center | (954) 473-6600 |
Coral Springs Medical Center | (954) 344-3000 |
Florida Medical Center | (954) 735-6000 |
Florida Medical Center South | (954) 581-7800 |
Fort Lauderdale Hand Clinic | (954) 351-0511 |
Healthsouth Sunrise Rehabilitation Hospital | (954) 749-0300 |
Hollywood Medical Center | (954) 966-4500 |
Holy Cross Hospital | (954) 771-8000 |
Imperial Point Medical Center | (954) 776-8500 |
Joe DiMaggio Children's Hospital | (800) KIDS-135 |
Memorial Hospital Pembroke | (954) 962-9650 |
Memorial Hospital West | (954) 436-5000 |
Memorial Regional Hospital | (954) 987-2000 |
North Broward Medical Center | (954) 941-8300 |
North Ridge Medical Center | (954) 776-6000 |
CRR-Division of CAN | (954) 938-7227 |
Vencor Hospital Fort Lauderdale | (954) 764-8900 |
AIR | |
Fort Lauderdale/Hollywood International Airport | (954) 359-1200 |
Executive Airport of Fort Lauderdale | (954) 938-4966 |
North Perry Airport | (954) 964-0220 |
Pompano Beach Air Park | (954) 786-4135 |
Broward County Transit Authority | (954) 357-8400 |
Tri-Rail | (800) TRI-RAIL/(954) 728-8445 |
Amtrak/Auto Train | (800) 872-7245/(954) 587-6692 |
Water Taxi | (954) 467-6677 |
B&L Service | (954) 565-8900 |
Carey Limousine Service | (954) 471-5466 |
Club Limousine Service | (954) 893-9850 |
Dolphin Limousine Service | (954) 989-5466 |
Gaddis Corp. | (954) 565-8900 |
Gray Line of Fort Lauderdale | (954) 587-8080 |
Herzog Transit Services, Inc. | (305) 693-9123 |
Jewel Limousines Inc. | (954) 423-3000 |
Yellow Cab | (954) 565-8900 |
Gray Line Airport/ Sedan/Limousine Service | (954) 561-8886 |
Fort Lauderdale Housing Authority | (954) 463-8220 |
Realtors Association of Greater Fort Lauderdale | (954) 563-7261 |
Crime Act Program Offices and National Institute of Justice | (800) 851-3420 |
Office of Juvenile Justice and Delinquency Prevention | (800) 638-8736 |
Office for Victims of Crime | (800) 627-6872 |
Bureau of Justice Statistics | (800) 732-3277 |
Bureau of Justice Assistance | (800) 688-4252 |
Bureau of National Drug Control Policy | (800) 666-3332 |
Activity Line | (954) 527-5600 |
Arts/Entertainment Hotline | (954) 357-5700 |
Boys Scouts of America | (954) 452-1686 |
Boys and Girls Clubs of Broward | (954) 537-1010 |
Broward County Cultural Affairs Division | (954) 357-7457 |
Broward County Parks and Recreation Division Special Events Hotline | (954) 563-7275 |
Girl Scouts of Broward County | (954) 739-7660 |
Greater Fort Lauderdale Convention & Visitors Bureau | (954) 765-4466/(800) 22-SUNNY |
YMCA | (954) 467-2444 |
Auto/Boat Tag Information | (954) 765-4697 |
Broward Revenue Collection Division | (954) 765-4560 |
Traffic Ticket Information, Broward County | (954) 765-4573 |
Fort Lauderdale | (800) 234-RIDE |
Tri-County Area | (800) 234-RIDE |
Driver's License Information | (954) 327-6333 |
Motor Vehicle Emissions Inspection | (954) 583-7440 |
Vehicle Registration | (954) 765-4560/(954) 327-6333 |
Consumer Affairs Division, Broward County | (954) 972-7500 |
Consumer Help Line | (800) HELPFLA |
Area Agency on the Aging | (954) 485-6370 |
Broward's Elder Help Line | (954) 484-4357 |
Florida Department of Elderly Affairs | (954) 414-2000 |
Meals on Wheels | (954) 731-8770 |
Broward County Job Information Line | (954) 357-6450 |
Broward Employment and Training Administration (for economically disadvantaged) | (954) 765-4505 |
Jobs Benefit Center (unemployment, job referral) | (954) 677-5400 |
Broward County Business/Occupational Licenses | (954) 765-4697 |
Broward Economic Development Council | (954) 524-3113 |
Downtown Development Authority | (954) 463-6574 |
Florida Atlantic University SBDC | (954) 771-6520 |
Florida International University Small Business Development Center | (954) 987-0100 |
Fort Lauderdale Economic Development Department | (954) 468-1515 |
Greater Fort Lauderdale Chamber of Commerce | (954) 462-6000 |
World Trade Center Fort Lauderdale | (954) 761-9797 |
Broward County School Board | (954) 765-6000 |
School Board State Independent Universities | (954) 765-6202 |
School Bus Transportation | (954) 985-5290 |
Bayview | (954) 390-0730 |
Bennett | (954) 390-0710 |
Broward Estates | (954) 797-4540 |
Croissant Park | (954) 765-6850 |
Dillard | (954) 797-4590 |
Eagle Point | (954) 384-2770 |
Floranada | (954) 928-0380 |
Steven Foster | (954) 797-4280 |
Harbordale | (954) 765-6862 |
Hawkes Bluff | (954) 680-1177 |
Martin Luther King | (954) 797-4380 |
Larkdale | (954) 797-4690 |
Lauderdale Manors | (954) 765-6882 |
Thurgood Marshall | (954) 765-6569 |
Meadowbrook | (954) 797-4270 |
North Andrews Gardens | (954) 928-0370 |
North Fork | (954) 765-6874 |
North Side | (954) 765-6886 |
Riverland | (954) 797-4390 |
Rock Island | (954) 497-3940 |
Sunland Park | (954) 765-6890 |
Walker | (954) 765-6878 |
Westwood Heights | (954) 797-4340 |
Wilton Manors | (954) 390-0700 |
Virginia Young | (954) 761-2400 |
William Dandy Middle School | (954) 497-1875 |
New River Middle School | (954) 797-4500 |
Parkway Middle School | (954) 797-4550 |
Dillard High School | (954) 797-4800 |
Fort Lauderdale High School | (954) 765-6921 |
Stranahan High School | (954) 765-6831 |
Courthouse Information | (954) 831-7585 |
Court Administrator | (954) 831-7740 |
Court Interpreters Program | (954) 831-6062 |
Clerk of the Court: | (954) 831-0482 |
Juvenile Cases | (954) 831-5662 |
Alimony & Child Support | (954) 765-5000 |
Family Intake (Restraining Orders) | (954) 831-7693 |
Guardian Ad Litem Program | (954) 831-6214 |
Mediation & Arbitrator | (954) 765-4491 |
Public Defender | (954) 831-8833 |
South Satellite: | (954) 831-0332 |
BSO Court Deputy (RM 222) | (954) 831-0317 |
Clerk of Courts | (954) 831-0482 |
Courthouse Judges | (954) 831-6021 |
National Safety Council | (954) 989-7149 |
Office of Environmental Services, Water Room 150 | (954) 831-0445 |
Probation Room 240 | (954) 831-0482 |
Public Defender Room 115 | (954) 831-0383 |
Social Services (Family & Child Dev.) | (954) 831-0430 |
State Attorneys office | (954) 831-0340 |
State Health Dept. Room 115 | (954) 831-0401 |
State Attorney | (954) 831-6955 |
Witness Liaison Program | (954) 831-6200 |
Affirmative Action | (954) 357-7800 |
American Disability Assoc. | (954) 357-6150 |
Animal Lost & Found | (954) 486-0605 |
Auto Tag Information | (954) 765-5050 |
Better Business Bureau | (954) 524-2850 |
Birth & Death Certificate | (954) 467-4839 |
Broward County Code & Zoning | (954) 468-5075 |
Broward County Deaf Interpreter | (954) 497-7446 |
Broward County Emergency Evacuation/Rumor | (954) 765-4000 |
Broward County Health/Public Safety | (954) 357-6386 |
Broward County Misdemeanor Diversion | (954) 765-5021 |
Broward County Social Services Transport | (954) 357-6793 |
Broward County Support Enforcement | (954) 765-5000 |
Broward County Public Health | (954) 467-4700 |
Broward Sheriff's Office | (954) 765-8900 |
Building Codes & Permits | (954) 765-5041 |
Bus Transportation | (954) 357-8400 |
Consumer Protection | (954) 765-5355 |
Disaster Preparedness | (954) 765-5020 |
Discrimination Complaints | (954) 357-6050 |
Drivers' License Bureau | (954) 327-6333 |
HIV/AIDS Support Services | (954) 765-5366 |
Homeless Assistance | (954) 537-2986 |
Housing Authority | (954) 739-1114 |
Hunting & Fishing Licenses | (954) 468-3474 |
Medical Examiner | (954) 964-0200 |
Mosquito Control | (954) 765-4062 |
Occupational Licenses | (954) 468-3480 |
Passport Information | (954) 926-8600 |
Poison Information | (800) 282-3171 |
Poison Control (Broward General) | (954) 463-3131 |
Port Everglades | (954) 523-3404 |
Postal Security | (954) 436-7200 |
Property Appraiser | (954) 831-0470 |
Recycling | (954) 865-4202 |
Taxicab Regulation | (954) 765-5350 |
Tourism Convention & Visitor Bureau | (954) 765-4466 |
Traffic Engineering | (954) 847-2600 |
Waste Disposal | (954) 765-4202 |
Attorney General | (954) 985-4780 |
Custom U.S. | (356) 7383/356 - 7383/763-5214 |
DEA | (954) 489-1738/527-7220 |
U.S. Marshall | (954) 356-7256 |
U.S. Coast Guard | (954) 927-1611 |
U.S. Secret Service | (305) 591-3660 |
FBI (Bomb Threats & Bank Robberies) | (954) 949-3475 |
INS | (305) 536-4529 |
Missing Children's Clearing House | (800) 342-0821 |
Post Office Information | (954) 527-2072 |
Smuggling Line | (800) BE-ALERT |
Social Security Administration | (800) 772-1213 |
Veterans Administration | (800) 827-1000 |
Veterans Services | (954) 831-0420 |
Alcohol & Drug Abuse | (954) 765-4200 |
Alzheimer's Crisis Team | (800) 272-3900 |
Adam Walsh Child Resource Center | (561) 863-7900 |
Adult Protective Services | (954) 677-5900 |
Aids Care & Treatment Center | (954) 467-4532 |
Alcoholics Anan. Family Groups | (954) 491-1915 |
Alcoholics Anonymous | (954) 462-0265 |
American Red Cross | (954) 581-4221/326-8888 |
Area Agency on Aging | (954) 485-6370 |
A Woman's Place | (305) 358-2063 |
Barc-Emergency | (954) 831-1579 |
Broward County Alcohol/Drug Abuse Service | (954) 765-4638 |
BETA Program | (954) 985-1900 |
Boys & Girls Club | (954) 983-0626 |
Broward County Children's Services | (954) 357-6024 |
Camillus House Health concern | (305) 577-4840 |
Clifford Beers Center | (305) 539-8533 |
Community Care for the Elderly | (954) 537-2936 |
Covenant House | (954) 561-5559 |
Easter Seals Centers | (954) 792-8772 |
Elderly Services Division | (954) 357-6765 |
Family Central, Inc. | (954) 720-1000 |
Family Services | (954) 831-0460 |
Henderson Clinic | (954) 463-0911 |
HRS Abuse Hotline: | (800) 96-ABUSE |
South FL State Hospital | (954) 967-7000 |
Social Service/Children Youth Family | (954) 967-1235 |
Homeless Hotline | (305) 379-HOME |
Human Rights Advocacy Committee | (954) 467-4298 |
Kids in Distress | (954) 785-7588 |
Legal Aid Service of Broward County | (954) 764-8110 |
Legal Services | (954) 765-8955 |
Long-Term Ombudsman Council | (954) 467-4223 |
Lippman Family Center | (954) 568-2801 |
Mental Health Assoc. of Broward Co. | (954) 733-3994 |
Mobile Crisis Unit | (954) 739-8605 |
Narcotics Anonymous | (888) 524-1777 |
National Center for Missing & Exploited Children | (800) 843-5678 |
National Teen Hotline | (800) 999-9999 |
Nutrition Services (Meals On Wheels) | (954) 731-8770 |
Police Athletic League (PAL) | (954) 921-3401 |
Police Referral & Outreach Program | (954) 926-6935 |
The Retreat | (800) 366-8466 |
Salvation Army | (954) 524-6991 |
SATC | (954) 765-5031 |
Sexual Assault (24-Hr. Hotline) | (954) 761-RAPE |
Soup Kitchen | (954) 921-3721 |
Sheridan House | (954) 583-1552 |
Women in Distress | (954) 760-9800 |
Boca Police Department | (561) 338-1333 |
Broward Sheriff's Office | |
Search Warrant Verifications | (954) 831-8100 |
Headquarters | (954) 765-8900 |
Communications | (954) 765-4321 |
Jail | (954) 831-5900 |
Coconut Creek Police Department | (954) 973-6700 |
Cooper City Police Department | (954) 432-9000 |
Coral Springs Police Department | (954) 344-1800 |
Davie Police Department | (954) 797-1202 |
Deerfield Beach Police Department | (954) 427-4960 |
FHP I-95 Fort Lauderdale | (954) 845-6007 |
Florida Fish and Game | (800) 432-2046 |
Florida Marine Patrol | (954) 467-4541, Ext. 109 |
Fort Lauderdale Police Department | (954) 764-HELP |
Golden Beach Police Department | (954) 935-0940 |
Hallandale Police Department | (954) 457-1400 |
Hialeah Police Department | (954) 687-2525 |
Lauderhill Police Department | (954) 497-4700 |
Metro Police Department | (954) 547-7498 |
Metropolitan Intelligence Unit | (954) 321-5001 |
Metro Robbery Task Force | (954) 470-5500 |
Miami Police Department | (954) 579-6111 |
Miami Beach Police Department | (954) 673-7900 |
Miramar Police Department | (954) 431-4600 |
North Miami Police Department | (954) 891-8111 |
North Miami Beach Police Department | (954) 949-5500 |
Pembroke Pines Police Department | (954) 431-2200 |
Plantation Police Department | (954) 797-2100 |
Pompano Beach Police Department | (954) 786-4200 |
Seminole Police Department | (954) 967-8900 |
Sunrise Police Department | (954) 746-3600 |
West Palm Beach Sheriff's Office | (407) 681-3000 |
West Palm Beach City Police Department | (407) 837-4000 |
Wilton Manors Police Department | (954) 390-2150 |
Fort Lauderdale | (954) 828-8000 |
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Fort Lauderdale Police Department, 1300 W Broward Blvd, Fort Lauderdale, FL 33312 | Tel: (954) 764-4357 | Internal Affairs: (954) 828-6956 | Site Map
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